Something Just Clicked

It is Tuesday, June 8th, and I’m in a good headspace. I weighed myself again on Monday after not having a single drink all week, and I was…220 lbs. I gained a pound last week. You might be thinking, how is this good, but it just clicked with me that I’ve got to give more of myself to this goal. I just decided. I am losing this weight by my wedding. I said I’m going to do it, and I will. I can’t mess around anymore. I thought that simply adding running to my routine would make up for my eating habits, but it’s not working. Losing this weight is going to take more discipline than I’ve ever given. I have 19 weeks to lose 33 lbs. If I can lose 2 lbs a week until the wedding, I can lose 38 lbs. I’m not trying to lose that much, but that gives me some wiggle room.

I’m in a good place to be successful, and this my number one goal. I’ve been thinking about losing weight for a while, and now, I’m going to do it. I will be laser-focused, and this blog will document my progress. I realize that I can’t go casually into this goal. I need to give it the respect it deserves. Losing weight has been harder for me as an adult compared to when I was younger. Trust me, it was hard before, but now it is taking a lot of effort. Losing weight is an excellent goal to show me what it feels like to give 100%.

One way that I’m going to increase my chance of success is to limit my alcohol consumption. I have a few events between now and the wedding that I will engage in, but that’s it. I’ve got to track even the drinks I’m having. I bought new running shoes that feel great on my legs, shins, and knees. Today, I started running 3 miles in the morning and will continue to do that. I’ve been doing roughly 2.5 miles most days of the week. I will do my liift4 workout four days a week to get my weight lifting in. Amazon delivered my food scale today, so I will also be tracking my calories. The last thing I will do is limit how often I go out to eat as well. Before I make all these big plans, I’m going to take it one day at a time. I could slip up at any time, so I’m going to take it seriously, and I’m going to get this shit done.

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